Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's a Great Big Beautiful Tommorrow!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, the last few weeks have been quite the whirlwind. On November 11th I got to take a backstage tour of the Fantasmic! set for one of my classes. My tour guide was Doug Dixon who is the special effects crew chief for the show. The tour was literally a dream come true! We got to go into the tech booth and look at all the computers, we got to go on the riverboat that Steamboat Willie drives, we saw Maleficent and the snake and see how all of the magic happens! We even got lucky and got to go into the special costume base that is just for Fantasmic and I might have touched Belle's $30,000 dress. I told Doug that Fantasmic was my favorite show in both parks and he started talking with me about both of them and was excited I had seen the both shows. He also told me that I needed to go on YouTube and watch the Tokyo Disney Sea Fantasmic because it was amazing, and he was right! I might be crazy, but I think this tour was even more exciting than the Dream Suite tour!

The next day mom and dad got her which was very exciting! I really didn't think they would get to visit me, but it worked out and it was a great time for all of us. We had breakfast at Ohana with Lilo and Stitch the first full day they were here and then we went to Epcot. It was pretty windy that day but we still had a good time. We planned on drinking around the world but we pretty much failed. We did have an avocado margarita in Mexico which taste nothing like avocado but was pretty delicious! Mom loved the culture of the park, just like I expected while dad enjoyed it in his own ways. The next day we hit up Magic Kingdom. Mom and I woke up super early to go to Extra Magic Hours so we could meet the new Talking Mickey but found out that he was still asleep at that hour. So we met Aurora and
Cinderella and her Step- Sisters and step mother instead. We were also able to walked around inside Be Our Guest a little and we rode 'it's a small world' since we knew dad wouldn't want to. Once the park officially opened we met Mickey which was super cool and then Dad joined us for the rest of the day. I made sure to show them all the rides that were not at Disneyland and some that were different. It was cool to show them where I worked and mom loved all the extra tidbits I added as we were walking around the park. 7pm rolled around and Dad got kicked out because he didn't want to go to the Christmas Party so mom and I had fun and hit all the big things like the parade and fireworks.

The next day we took a day off because they were switching hotels and I had to work so we parted ways early in the afternoon. Saturday it was supposed to rain so we debated back and forth about where to go and decided to stick to our original plan of going to Animal Kingdom. It did rain on us, but I suggested we see Lion King and hoped it would stop, which it did, and we enjoyed the rest of the day with a fairly low crowd. Sunday mom and I went to Hollywood Studios while dad stayed home because he wasn't feeling well. I made sure to show her the Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage and agreed to avoid Rock-n-Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror. I had originally wanted to take mom and dad to 50's Prime Time Cafe  but couldn't get reservations but I decided to take mom to see if we could at least try the Peanutbutter and Jelly Milkshake. We found out that if you sit at the bar you can get anything on the menu, it is just first come, first serve! So we split the milkshake and some meatloaf, which made me very happy. We also chatted with the guy next to us who insisted on buying us drinks almost as much as he insisted that I should be hired to play Alice. We turned down the drinks and continued on our way. I
knew we must hit the Osbourne Spectical of Dancing Lights and we ended up getting there right when they were turning them on, which was way cool. We took lots of pictures and ran into the guy from the bar, who again insisted that I should be playing Alice and wished me luck for my future. My only regret of the day was that we couldn't see Fantasmic. Instead we had reservations for the Hoop Dee Doo Revue over at the Fort Wilderness Campgrounds. Can I just say that it is one amazing show! Man, I would pay to see that again and again!! I highly recommend that show to everyone because that place knows how to show you a good time! Monday is the day mom and dad left, which was sad, but I also feel like I gave them a really good view of all the things Walt Disney World has to offer. I would love to bring them back again one day because there is so many things left to do.

Tuesday I returned to work as normal and today I had off because I wanted to go to and College Program Alumni Speaker Series event. Here I thought there would be people who had done there program two or three years ago who were just getting started in their field talking about how their CP helped them get where they were. Boy was I wrong! There were stage managers, production managers, casting directors and technical mangers from across property! It was probably one of the most invaluable nights of my program! After the panel spoke for about an hour the broke off and met with people and groups on their own. I ended up talking to one woman who is the stage manager for all the shows at Hollywood Studios. It was towards the end so I figured I wouldn't get much from her, but instead she told me she wanted to meet with me one-on-one some time and that I should send her my resumes. Done! The event was over, but during the panel another woman said she did her program at Fantasyland Attractions so I had to ask her where and it turns out that she worked exactly where I do! She ended up giving me her card in case I wanted to talk more told me to make sure I get out there and talk to my managers and express how much I wanted to be in entertainment. Man, I am so glad I signed up for this event and asked for this day off the first day I had access to the system! I can't wait to see where this goes!

Tomorrow I will be going to Hollywood Studio's for class and I have a few auditions I have my eyes on that are a few weeks down the road. Next week I will be working 75 hours, which should only be a little bit more than crazy. Good thing I can sleep in tomorrow!

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