Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The First Few Days

I'm officially here! Yay, the weather is hot and the buses are way too cold, but I'm here! My flight was not too bad. From Denver to Orlando I sat next to a girl who was also going to be in the program, Elizabeth. While the 15 year old who sat next to us was more than a little annoying, we managed to survive the flight and exchanged numbers, and after a pit stop to say hi to our new boss, we got our luggage and parted ways for the night.

Once I got to my hotel room I was starving from not eating all day and luckily their was an Applebee's attached to the hotel. Being that it was 1:30am I was one of the only people in there, and my server Jeremy was awesome! He had done the DCP a few years back as a performer and then continued to work for Disney for another 5 years. He let me pick his brain about how to get into the entertainment department and about what they are looking for. He gave me some general tips for the program and told be to be persistent in following my dreams. He told me I might actually have a really good chance at becoming a performer.

The doorknobs at the casting building
Check in was at 8am, but I'm pretty sure people started getting there at 6am. I walked from my hotel and got there about 7:30 and I was swimming in my own sweat by the time I got there. I went all the way through check in and still had no idea what my role was. I found out that I will be working in Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom, but besides that, I have to wait until Sunday. No idea why they won't tell me. After check in I had a little time to drop my bags off in my apartment and I met a couple of my new roommates and then went off to casting to fill out some paperwork. From there the day was mine.

I returned to my room and finished unpacking and Courteney went off to work. I went with some friends to the outlet mall and I made a new friend at one of the Disney Stores. I found the Vera Bradley outlet store and drooled a little before I went back home to drop stuff off. After getting drug tested I hopped on a bus to visit Courteney at work and got there just in time to join the dance party! It was a bunch of fun and it really made me smile. It was one of those little moments that makes Disney so magical.

Wishes view from the beach at the Polynesian
From the dance party at Pop Century I met up with Elizabeth so we could go watch Wishes from the Polynesian Resort. What a magical way to end the night! Man, it wasn't like seeing the fireworks in the park, but sitting on the beach with the waves lightly crashing and watching an amazing fireworks show is something you just don't get to do. I almost started crying because I had a moment of "this is really it!" and it gave me so much hope for the weeks to come.

Yay Food!
This morning, Courteney and I had a very successful shopping trip. We walked which was hot but it was a good workout and now I have food! And a few more things that I needed. I still need a trip to Walmart but that can wait for now. I have a housing meeting a little later today and then I'm headed to the parks with my roommates. It's the first time ever they have all had the day off so we are doing a roommate bonding trip! I'm so excited to get into the parks for the first time. I'm not sure if everything has fully hit me yet because I haven't been to the parks at all. I guess we will find out! I'm so excited for what's to come!

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